Augie Meet of Champions 2014

Sioux Falls, SD

Boys JV

                     Augustana Meet of Champions - 9/13/2014                     
                                 Windrows Field                                  
                                 Sioux Falls, SD                                 
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 2  Boys 4k Run CC JV
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Atwood, Alec               8 Beresford             14:44.29    1             
  2 Zahn, Christopher          9 SF Washington         14:57.58    2             
  3 Newcomb, Josh             12 SF Roosevelt          14:59.23    3             
  4 Chesley, Blake            10 SF Roosevelt          15:02.55    4             
  5 DeLange, Spencer          10 SF Washington         15:14.69    5             
  6 Hess, Kyle                12 SF Roosevelt          15:15.75    6             
  7 Brown, Cole               11 SF Roosevelt          15:16.81    7             
  8 Zimmerman, Nathan          8 Yankton               15:19.42    8             
  9 Limmer, Jake               9 Beresford             15:20.32    9             
 10 Lee, Isaiah                9 SF Roosevelt          15:20.62   10             
 11 Slaba, Jayden              9 SF Roosevelt          15:20.91   11             
 12 Rovang, Nicholas          11 SF Washington         15:46.47   12             
 13 Otheim, Chase              9 West Central          15:49.15   13             
 14 Schroeder, Thaniel         8 Freeman Academy       15:54.18                  
 15 Peterson, Timothy         10 Beresford             15:54.68   14             
 16 Smith, Isaac              11 SF Washington         15:56.85   15             
 17 Allison, Dane             10 Freeman Academy       15:59.80                  
 18 VandeBraak, Seth          10 SF Washington         16:00.60   16             
 19 O'Connell, Nick           12 Beresford             16:02.01   17             
 20 Richard, Noah              9 SF Washington         16:04.37   18             
 21 Fiegen, Alex              10 SF Roosevelt          16:05.99   19             
 22 Michaels, Joseph           9 West Central          16:08.41   20             
 23 Lucht, Jordan             11 Yankton               16:11.21   21             
 24 Haggerty, Brennan          9 Freeman Academy       16:11.95                  
 25 Davis, Connor              9 SF Washington         16:13.40   22             
 26 Kahler, Carson               Martin County West    16:14.15   23             
 27 Roesler, Zachary           7 Yankton               16:15.10   24             
 28 Reitsma, Collin            8 SF Christian          16:21.49   25             
 29 Brausey, Ethan            11 Yankton               16:24.55   26             
 30 Homandberg, Cole          10 Beresford             16:25.74   27             
 31 Galt, Dakota              10 Beresford             16:26.66   28             
 32 Reitsma, Zach             10 SF Christian          16:28.49   29             
 33 Hofer, Gabriel            11 SF Roosevelt          16:30.02                  
 34 Levitt, Colton            11 SF Washington         16:35.42                  
 35 Woods, Isiah               9 Yankton               16:39.83   30             
 36 Knox, Matthew             10 SF Roosevelt          16:40.55                  
 37 Thompson, Hunter           9 SF Roosevelt          16:47.88                  
 38 Lyle, Trent               12 Beresford             16:50.07   31             
 39 Adams, Justus              9 SF Christian          16:53.77   32             
 40 Anderson, Noah             8 Yankton               16:54.35   33             
 41 Husman, Jackson            8 Yankton               16:59.64   34             
 42 Ahrendt, Nick             10 SF Roosevelt          17:00.00                  
 43 Petersen, Dylan              Martin County West    17:00.39   35             
 44 Claussen, Seth             9 SF Washington         17:02.48                  
 45 Larson, Kolton               Martin County West    17:04.16   36             
 46 Kreutzmann, Travis        11 SF Roosevelt          17:08.69                  
 47 Twedt, Riley              10 Beresford             17:10.32                  
 48 Heumiller, Carter          7 West Central          17:14.19   37             
 49 Fischer, Tristan           7 Beresford             17:16.96                  
 50 Rames, Jacob              10 SF Roosevelt          17:18.41                  
 51 March, Kellyn              7 Beresford             17:19.61                  
 52 Hawkins, Broc              8 Yankton               17:24.43                  
 53 Pierce, Regan             12 SF Roosevelt          17:31.08                  
 54 RedFeather, Nicholas       9 SF Washington         17:32.56                  
 55 Flores, Javier            11 Yankton               17:35.55                  
 56 Devries, Schuyler          9 SF Washington         17:36.00                  
 57 Hoier, Ethan               9 SF Washington         17:41.07                  
 58 Kieliszewski, David       11 SF Christian          17:42.18   38             
 59 Spinar, Connor               Mount Vernon-Pla      17:43.11                  
 60 Meyers, Seth              11 Brandon Valley        17:44.89                  
 61 Borchardt, Zane              Martin County West    17:52.11   39             
 62 Ideker, Caden              8 West Central          18:04.69   40             
 63 Welker, Mason              7 Yankton               18:12.33                  
 64 Salonen, Gavin            11 SF Roosevelt          18:12.77                  
 65 Brockberg, Avery          10 Yankton               18:17.21                  
 66 Weiland, Seth             12 Beresford             18:20.14                  
 67 Schneider, Liam           10 SF Washington         18:21.48                  
 68 O'Connell, Brandon        10 Beresford             18:23.78                  
 69 Duffy, Chase              10 SF Roosevelt          18:25.88                  
 70 Runia, Mason               8 SF Christian          18:26.67   41             
 71 Wilson, Christian         12 Beresford             18:27.06                  
 72 Brouwer, Dalton            7 SF Christian          18:30.32   42             
 73 Garcia, Shawn              9 Yankton               18:34.38                  
 74 Paulson, Jacob             8 Yankton               18:34.97                  
 75 Whitehead, Jake              Martin County West    18:37.64   43             
 76 Olbertson, Trystan         9 Beresford             18:38.72                  
 77 Heldt, Brandon            12 Beresford             18:44.32                  
 78 Neu, Johnny                8 Yankton               18:48.74                  
 79 Callahan, Curtis           9 Brandon Valley        18:51.20                  
 80 Lillie, Kyler              7 Yankton               18:51.65                  
 81 Nelson, Sam                9 Beresford             19:04.04                  
 82 Staples, Nathan           11 SF Roosevelt          19:11.23                  
 83 Schultz, Ty                7 Yankton               19:20.58                  
 84 Hoffman, Matthew           7 Beresford             19:25.36                  
 85 Harty, Dylan              10 SF Roosevelt          19:26.97                  
 86 Nieuwendorp, Hunter        8 SF Christian          19:44.90   44             
 87 Nockles, Sky               9 Yankton               19:49.43                  
 88 Smith, Griffin             8 West Central          19:58.25   45             
 89 Ty, Fitzgerald               Martin County West    20:02.10   46             
 90 Martin, Cody              12 Beresford             20:12.01                  
 91 Needham, Zachary          12 SF Washington         20:12.45                  
 92 Kortan, Dylan             10 Yankton               20:16.53                  
 93 Weiland, Caleb             7 Beresford             20:24.06                  
 94 Watley, Creighton          7 SF Christian          20:31.15                  
 95 Kirbell, Kolton           10 Beresford             20:32.23                  
 96 Vinzant, Ryan              9 West Central          20:34.40   47             
 97 Lucht, Ryan               10 Yankton               20:47.77                  
 98 Krenz, Max                11 Viborg-Hurley         20:48.17                  
 99 Zwifel, Jacob                SF Lutheran           20:48.69                  
100 Fay, Caden                 8 SF Christian          20:52.05                  
101 Kaul, Caleb                9 SF Christian          20:58.07                  
102 Santema, Ethan             7 SF Christian          20:59.80                  
103 Tjaden, Austin             7 Beresford             21:09.72                  
104 Thaler, Conner             8 Beresford             21:10.94                  
105 Pack, Nick                10 Beresford             21:13.76                  
106 Redford, Thomas            9 Brandon Valley        21:18.84                  
107 Kurtz, Ethan                 SF Lutheran           21:43.85                  
108 Morrow, todd                 Martin County West    22:03.28   48             
109 Heidbrink, Kyle            9 Brandon Valley        22:09.20                  
110 Cassady, Collin            8 Beresford             22:49.79                  
111 Klarenbeek, Brian          9 Beresford             22:55.26                  
112 Johnke, Carter            10 Beresford             22:57.57                  
113 Zimmerman, Levi            9 Yankton               23:05.49                  
114 Van Den Top, Riley         7 SF Christian          23:25.09                  
115 Horstman, Alex            12 Beresford             26:12.89                  
116 Johnsen, Carson            7 Beresford             27:25.00                  
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 SF Roosevelt                 30    3    4    6    7   10   11   19          
      Total Time:  1:15:54.96                                                    
         Average:    15:11.00                                                    
   2 SF Washington                50    2    5   12   15   16   18   22          
      Total Time:  1:17:56.19                                                    
         Average:    15:35.24                                                    
   3 Beresford                    68    1    9   14   17   27   28   31          
      Total Time:  1:18:27.04                                                    
         Average:    15:41.41                                                    
   4 Yankton                     109    8   21   24   26   30   33   34          
      Total Time:  1:20:50.11                                                    
         Average:    16:10.03                                                    
   5 West Central                155   13   20   37   40   45   47               
      Total Time:  1:27:14.69                                                    
         Average:    17:26.94                                                    
   6 SF Christian                165   25   29   32   38   41   42   44          
      Total Time:  1:25:52.60                                                    
         Average:    17:10.52                                                    
   7 Martin County West          176   23   35   36   39   43   46   48          
      Total Time:  1:26:48.45                                                    
         Average:    17:21.69