Taylor Redlin, 10th, Watertown High School
What kind of shape are you in heading into the season?
This cross country season should go well
How did your track season go last spring? What were your best times, places or races?
Track was okay but could have been better!
What are your goals for the State Meet and into the Post-Season?
Place top ten in state and top 5 in ESD
What did your summer training look like?
I tried to train at least once a day and I went to the SDSU running camp
What are your favorite workouts?
I like to just go on long runs the most!
What is your favorite pre-race: Meal? Music? Routine?
I like spaghetti suppers with my team!
Favorite music, bands?
Paramore, Marianas Trench, Panic at the disco, Punk music mainly
Favorite subject in school?
I like to run, read, draw, and hang out with friends!
<p> <img alt="" src="http://cache.milesplit.com/user_files/360696/milesplit_sd.jpg" style="width: 615px; height: 226px;" /></p>