Augie Twilight 2021

Sioux Falls, SD

Augie Twilight 2021 vs Augustana Twilight XC Meet HS 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +93 850 757
Overall Average +1:27.61 20:54.39 19:26.78
1st-10th Place +56.53 16:06.68 15:10.15
1st-25th Place +1:06.67 16:32.00 15:25.33
1st-50th Place +1:13.16 16:56.07 15:42.91
1st-100th Place +1:19.29 17:24.87 16:05.58
Common Athletes -- -- 43
Ran Faster -37 3 40
Ran Season Best -28 3 31
Average Time +1:52.72 19:53.33 18:00.61
Median Time +1:58.69 19:31.65 17:32.96
Middle 80% Times +1:52.17 19:55.57 18:03.40
Top 10% Times +2:22.09 17:39.48 15:17.39
Top 25% Times +2:23.02 18:05.73 15:42.71
Top 50% Times +2:18.99 18:37.72 16:18.74
Bottom 50% Times +1:21.33 20:14.69 18:53.37
Bottom 25% Times +1:04.31 21:59.38 20:55.07
Bottom 10% Times +1:10.17 22:42.30 21:32.13
Average Difference +1:52.72 -- --
Median Difference +3:44.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:46.81 -- --
Top 10% Difference +2:07.61 -- --
Top 50% Difference +2:12.41 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:51.06 -- --
Top 50% Difference +2:12.41 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:38.08 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:49.47 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:40.02 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Juan Gonzalez Fremont High School +2:17.81 16:52.29 14:34.48
Mikah Peters Brandon Valley High School +2:47.33 17:53.60 15:06.27
Joseph Levesque Sioux Falls Lincoln High School +3:07.16 18:20.50 15:13.34
Jack Brown Dakota Valley High School +3:31.72 19:16.00 15:44.28
Evan Mahrous Sioux Falls O'Gorman High School +1:59.34 17:47.94 15:48.60
Nathan Thompson Sioux Falls Lincoln High School +3:02.20 18:57.34 15:55.14
Derrek Vander Leest Sioux Falls Christian +1:45.74 17:46.30 16:00.56
Jack Wagoner Sioux Falls Jefferson High School +2:54.56 18:55.46 16:00.90
Silas Holdeman Mitchell Christian +3:44.00 19:48.03 16:04.03
Harrison Krajewski Yankton High School +1:47.81 17:57.28 16:09.47
Lennon Clarkson Belle Fourche High School +2:57.72 19:10.42 16:12.70
Cloy McVey Lennox High School +2:01.57 18:16.56 16:14.99
Parker Pietruszewski Woodbury High School +3:35.08 19:55.65 16:20.57
Eli Woidyla Brandon Valley High School +1:54.87 18:20.38 16:25.51
Jack Campbell Tea Area High School +2:25.13 18:54.49 16:29.36
Jonathon Roth West Central High School +2:13.85 18:49.85 16:36.00
Niko Zink Hillsboro/Central Valley HS +2:24.70 19:14.51 16:49.81
Noah Sayler Lennox High School +2:04.31 19:19.30 17:14.99
Rocco Cerasoli Omaha Central High School +4:06.34 21:27.51 17:21.17
Ellie Maddox Sioux Falls Christian +1:27.32 18:53.51 17:26.19
Maciah Shultz Sioux City East High School +3:14.12 20:44.97 17:30.85
Nathan Arens Sioux Falls Roosevelt High School +1:42.43 19:15.39 17:32.96
Jack VanMoorleghem Creighton Prep +1:57.30 19:31.65 17:34.35
Seth Borchers Sioux Falls Jefferson High School +48.88 18:30.51 17:41.63
Sarah VanDerBerg Brandon Valley High School +2:51.43 21:04.80 18:13.37
Jaycie Babb Tea Area High School +1:30.28 19:52.82 18:22.54
Jenna Gilhooly Harrisburg High School +4:15.51 22:42.26 18:26.75
Adison Scholten Brandon Valley High School -22.69 18:27.79 18:50.48
Kelsey Schmidt Lennox High School +1:50.58 20:30.28 18:39.70
Shelby Bergan Brandon Valley High School +1:07.81 19:56.57 18:48.76
Autumn Baker Kimball/White Lake +1:33.89 20:52.36 19:18.47
Hallie Person Lead - Deadwood High School -1:24.56 19:18.80 20:43.36
Calli Radigan Vermillion High School +1:43.87 21:16.10 19:32.23
Kate McElroy Watertown High School +17.10 20:08.39 19:51.29
Myla Kaldor Hillsboro/Central Valley HS +59.78 21:16.75 20:16.97
Magaret Vogel Sioux Falls Christian +14.86 20:36.24 20:21.38
Lauryn Rosenthal Woodbury High School +57.78 21:26.12 20:28.34
AUDREY FEDUNOK Woodbury High School +2:19.81 23:03.61 20:43.80
Haylie Hedrington Woodbury High School +1:04.86 21:50.99 20:46.13
Lydia Anderson Vermillion High School +10.47 21:04.74 20:54.27
Ella Merriman Beresford High School +50.31 22:09.62 21:19.31
Rylie Arens Crofton High School -20.70 21:50.40 22:11.10
Josephine Plucker Lennox High School +1:15.19 23:45.03 22:29.84