Clyde Cotton XC Invite 2022 vs Clyde Cotton XC Invite 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +114 409 295
Overall Average -2.51 21:31.13 21:33.64
1st-10th Place +21.42 16:50.83 16:29.41
1st-25th Place +8.84 17:11.03 17:02.19
1st-50th Place -14.34 17:32.33 17:46.67
1st-100th Place -30.59 18:08.65 18:39.24
Common Athletes -- -- 74
Ran Faster -46 14 60
Ran Season Best 4 6 2
Average Time +1:01.61 21:26.28 20:24.67
Median Time +55.59 20:58.24 20:02.65
Middle 80% Times +54.05 21:17.02 20:22.96
Top 10% Times +1:17.11 17:49.75 16:32.64
Top 25% Times +1:19.77 18:32.53 17:12.75
Top 50% Times +1:06.27 19:21.75 18:15.49
Bottom 50% Times +56.96 23:30.81 22:33.85
Bottom 25% Times +1:03.03 25:10.94 24:07.91
Bottom 10% Times +1:42.05 27:16.92 25:34.88
Average Difference +1:01.61 -- --
Median Difference +1:07.97 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +56.34 -- --
Top 10% Difference +41.27 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:01.45 -- --
Top 25% Difference +52.71 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:01.45 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:01.78 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:04.66 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:55.09 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Carson Urlacher Aberdeen Central High School +2:16.26 18:36.52 16:20.26
Sean Shipp Custer High School +2:56.62 19:19.01 16:22.39
Caleb Morris Pierre TF Riggs +1:03.77 17:30.66 16:26.89
Dane Stark Watertown High School +2:11.37 18:40.46 16:29.09
Casey Nauta Spearfish High School +58.31 17:31.16 16:32.85
Patrick Severson Aberdeen Central High School +3:25.40 20:01.77 16:36.37
Ty Sullivan Watertown High School +36.07 17:20.04 16:43.97
Tate DeVries Aberdeen Central High School +1:21.07 18:10.37 16:49.30
Jonathan Kahler Brookings High School +1:12.54 18:10.09 16:57.55
Max Nelson Aberdeen Central High School +2:57.21 20:02.25 17:05.04
Esten Foss Aberdeen Central High School +58.58 18:06.80 17:08.22
Kian Rusch Custer High School +1:22.57 18:52.89 17:30.32
Marco Springman Brookings High School +2:03.08 19:39.80 17:36.72
Elias Michailidis Brandon Valley High School +2:33.53 20:10.74 17:37.21
Tj Lien Huron High School -25.78 17:41.80 18:07.58
Isaiah Norton Watertown High School +2:08.73 20:09.79 18:01.06
Jayden Brandt Pierre TF Riggs +1:37.52 19:38.60 18:01.08
Bailey Steiner Watertown High School -1:07.72 18:07.11 19:14.83
Tucker Lunde Watertown High School +1:28.05 19:38.79 18:10.74
Sam Schultz Aberdeen Central High School -14.42 18:11.28 18:25.70
Dax Frandsen James Valley Christian School -24.20 18:33.33 18:57.53
Shane Harming Brookings High School +57.07 19:39.73 18:42.66
Gabe List Watertown High School +29.01 19:26.15 18:57.14
Colin Pickett Mitchell High School +3:26.74 22:24.75 18:58.01
Logan Brakke Brandon Valley High School -11.29 19:03.57 19:14.86
Ian Rounds Pierre TF Riggs +33.09 19:39.38 19:06.29
CJ Moses Pierre TF Riggs +1:19.58 20:27.99 19:08.41
Kyler Pietzyk Spearfish High School +56.55 20:05.04 19:08.49
Tayne Herrmann James Valley Christian School +1:17.48 20:40.68 19:23.20
Logan Becker Watertown High School +31.39 19:57.47 19:26.08
Jack Beierman Brookings High School +54.17 20:23.59 19:29.42
Weston Baker Brookings High School +2:34.20 22:05.94 19:31.74
William Hanzlik Chamberlain High School +2:33.46 22:11.19 19:37.73
Kori Keil Spearfish High School +25.31 20:12.46 19:47.15
James Weir Huron High School +1:06.46 20:58.24 19:51.78
Saylor Rice Custer High School +1:07.97 21:04.67 19:56.70
Juna Ramey Aberdeen Central High School +54.57 20:53.22 19:58.65
Londyn Schroeder Mitchell High School +1:36.55 21:39.20 20:02.65
Isaac Shepherd Chamberlain High School -1:04.87 20:02.85 21:07.72
Olivia Anderson Watertown High School +1:07.69 21:13.65 20:05.96
Brenton Westberry Flandreau High School +12.75 20:19.53 20:06.78
Auna Taglioli Spearfish High School -26.20 20:15.89 20:42.09
Sierra Sandford Spearfish High School -12.59 20:26.71 20:39.30
Kate McElroy Watertown High School +7.72 20:37.36 20:29.64
Angelo Medina Huron High School +1:08.41 21:38.46 20:30.05
Hadasah Olson James Valley Christian School +49.44 21:22.33 20:32.89
Joel Olson James Valley Christian School +1:59.15 22:40.49 20:41.34
Sam Anderson Watertown High School +3:58.77 24:43.53 20:44.76
Alec Pester Huron High School +30.01 21:15.05 20:45.04
Mason Berg Pierre TF Riggs +41.45 21:53.89 21:12.44
Aadyn Hosek Chamberlain High School +1:07.05 22:20.15 21:13.10
Sebastian Olivo Huron High School -36.92 21:40.74 22:17.66
Kiley Westberry Flandreau High School +20.42 22:08.54 21:48.12
Sophia Schmit Brookings High School +7.94 21:58.28 21:50.34
Kylah Biggins Chamberlain High School +2.52 21:53.56 21:51.04
Silvanna Houska Chamberlain High School -56.28 21:51.81 22:48.09
Josie Vlieger Huron High School +6.03 22:04.84 21:58.81
Charlee Williams-S Pierre TF Riggs +1:14.99 23:16.44 22:01.45
Lily Meyer Huron High School -2:20.67 22:11.42 24:32.09
Kane Grajkowske Mitchell High School +1:01.78 23:15.21 22:13.43
Nora Pester Huron High School +2:01.20 24:22.98 22:21.78
Grace List Watertown High School -9.98 22:57.94 23:07.92
Isabella Horning Watertown High School -2:07.15 23:00.23 25:07.38
Micaiah Brantner James Valley Christian School +12.84 23:39.41 23:26.57
Jayda Jensen Watertown High School +2:11.91 26:00.59 23:48.68
Lillian Dirksen Brandon Valley High School +36.28 24:25.69 23:49.41
Hailey Lahr Flandreau High School +1:36.02 25:25.85 23:49.83
Hannah Schoenfelder Huron High School +1:51.88 25:58.35 24:06.47
Elizabeth Rieffenberger Watertown High School +2:55.91 27:56.46 25:00.55
McKenzie Gjoraas Brandon Valley High School +2:06.68 27:07.34 25:00.66
Kamryn Santi Brandon Valley High School +45.62 25:53.53 25:07.91
Josalyn Wipf James Valley Christian School +26.15 25:39.85 25:13.70
Brianna Reese Brandon Valley High School -2:03.94 25:49.81 27:53.75
Emma Reihe Watertown High School +7:06.48 33:49.44 26:42.96