Belle Fourche Invite 2024

Belle Fourche, SD

Belle Fourche Invite 2024 vs 2021 Belle Fourche HS & MS XC Invite 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -16 132 148
Overall Average -2:29.82 22:57.72 25:27.54
1st-10th Place -1:04.54 17:48.34 18:52.87
1st-25th Place -1:33.52 18:35.45 20:08.97
1st-50th Place -1:47.98 19:32.58 21:20.56
1st-100th Place -2:00.31 21:12.51 23:12.82
Common Athletes -- -- 17
Ran Faster 12 15 3
Ran Season Best 8 9 1
Average Time -2:48.32 22:25.36 25:13.68
Median Time -2:57.37 21:27.79 24:25.16
Middle 80% Times -3:06.67 22:05.29 25:11.96
Top 10% Times -3:32.96 17:09.77 20:42.73
Top 25% Times -3:25.21 18:06.58 21:31.79
Top 50% Times -3:12.28 19:19.83 22:32.11
Bottom 50% Times -2:05.65 23:01.40 25:07.06
Bottom 25% Times -2:20.59 27:44.57 30:05.17
Bottom 10% Times +25.88 33:06.94 32:41.07
Average Difference -2:48.82 -- --
Median Difference -2.23 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -3:28.51 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:25.69 -- --
Top 50% Difference -2:22.07 -- --
Top 25% Difference -2:55.95 -- --
Top 50% Difference -2:22.07 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -3:15.57 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:33.24 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +25.88 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Yadriel Munoz Rapid City Central High School -8:42.63 17:00.23 25:42.86
Lennon Clarkson Belle Fourche High School -3:23.69 17:19.31 20:43.00
Tristan Swezey Rapid City Central High School -4:50.56 18:07.30 22:57.86
Clint Winkler Newell -4:48.32 18:19.07 23:07.39
Carter Stamper St. Thomas More High School -3:52.39 19:47.00 23:39.39
Johnny Bossingham Hot Springs High School -2:09.50 20:04.98 22:14.48
Sean Hare Rapid City Central High School -4:28.01 20:37.98 25:05.99
Hallie Person Lead - Deadwood High School +32.32 21:14.78 20:42.46
Zach Tonsager Belle Fourche High School +2:26.75 23:27.92 21:01.17
Ezias Nelson Lead - Deadwood High School -2:57.37 21:27.79 24:25.16
Aspen Bloom Newcastle -2:15.91 21:42.18 23:58.09
Jonas Runge Lead - Deadwood High School -3:21.04 23:19.68 26:40.72
Tiana Iron Hawk Dupree High School -5:29.29 23:37.37 29:06.66
Caleb Hoover Newcastle -5:11.31 24:05.01 29:16.32
Esther Burkhalter Bison High School -2.23 24:46.60 24:48.83
Hilary Lane Hot Springs High School -2:06.11 28:36.36 30:42.47
Jhoni Uses Many Cheyenne Eagle Butte High School +2:57.87 37:37.53 34:39.66