Name, Grade, School
Brennan Witt, 12th grade, Custer
2012: 9th place finish at state cross country
1st place in 800m & 1600m; anchored a first place finish in the medley relay
PR's 800m- 1:53.3, 1600- 4:29
What kind of shape are you in heading into this cross country season?
I’m heading in to the season in pretty good shape running about 60 miles a week and injury free:)
How did your track season go last spring? What were your best times, places or races?
The track season went well despite the weather! At the State Meet, I won the mile and the 800m and also the medley relay. I was selected to run the Howard Wood Special Event 800m , but that was canceled... we still won the 2 mile relay at that meet.
PR's , 800m- 1:53.36, 1600m- 4:26, 400m- 50.2.
What did your summer training look like?
Started the summer out with about 40 miles a week and slowly brought it up to 60 miles a week. Doing a lot of drills and strides.
Who do you see as the top individuals in the state (and class, AA, A or B)?
Class A will be LOGAN BURNS!
What are your favorite workouts?
All workouts can be fun if you keep a good mindset! but all-time favorite would have to be speed development and it consists of 125m fly's off the corner wearing spikes.
What is your favorite pre-race: Meal? Music? Routine?
Favorite pre- race meal is some sort of pasta and chicken. Breakfast pre-race is when my dad makes me eggs and corn beef hash with wheat toast!
Music- I listen to anything really! Before a race I listen to anything from country music or heavy metal, just anything to fill the silence before a race.
Routine- jog for a while then talk to my dad about race strategies then strides, drills, put spikes on, few fast strides and then see what happens.
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