Peyton Groft, 8th, Northwestern Area School District
What kind of shape are you in heading into this cross country season?
I have been doing many miles and workouts throughout the entire summer.
How did your track season go last spring? What were your best times, places or races?
I went to the state track in three different events: 4x800 meter relay, one mile, and the two mile. My best two mile time is 12:44.
What are your goals for this season on an individual level?
I want to work as hard as I can and place in the state meet again.
Where do you see your team placing this season?
My team only has three varsity girls runners, so we only count as a team in certain meets. I think my team will place in many of those meets.
What did your summer training look like?
My summer training included five runs a week. July is easy runs, and August is hard runs.
Who do you see as the top individuals in the state (and class, AA, A or B)?
In Class B there are some great runners from Ipswich, Gayville-Volin, Arlington, and Potter County,
What are your favorite workouts?
I love 5 and 6 mile runs. They make me feel like I have accomplished something once I'm done.
What is your favorite pre-race: Meal? Music? Routine?
I love eating pasta, chicken alfredo and spaghetti, before a meet.
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