Tobias Weddell, Todd County HS Junior
How did your track season go last spring? What were your best times, places or races?
Track went really well; could be faster though. Mile- 4:38, two mile 10:26
What are your goals for this season on an individual level?
Place top 5 at state.
What did your summer training look like?
Went really bad because I was injured. Started slow but I'm getting back up there.
Who do you see as the top individuals in the state (and class, AA, A or B)?
Addison Dehaven, Eric Yeager, Jase Kraft
What are your favorite workouts?
What is your favorite pre-race: Meal? Music? Routine?
Pre-Race Meal: Morning: eat oatmeal and OJ and then water before races.
Music: I listen to all kinds of music.
Routine: Stretch and get really warmed up. Get nice and calm before race time.
Favorite music, bands?
Hip hop, Mac Miller, Wiz Khalifa, drake, Kendrick Lamar. Country.
Favorite subject in school?
Has to be math.
Don't really have any. Just go with the flow every day. Run, run, run
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